We promote, educate and create awareness for the public about homeopathy and homeopathic medicine in Manitoba, Canada. We look for the highest standards and professionalism of homeopaths in Manitoba and we believe that this reflects in their service and benefits our patients.
The Manitoba Homeopathic Association / Manitoba Society of Homeopathic Physicians will represent the interests of all qualified doctors of homeopathic medicine who reside in Manitoba.
We promote the use and research of homeopathy in Winnipeg and Manitoba. One main goal is to reach out to insurance companies, unions and business to organize talks, seminars and grow awareness about the benefits of this style of medicine.
When you take a homeopathic remedy, it triggers the body to heal.
History of Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine that was first mentioned by Hippocrates (462-377 BC). The basic principles as we understand them today were established over 200 years ago by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, and chemist.
While researching the curative properties of cinchona bark on malaria, Dr. Hahnemann recognized that cinchona can induce malaria-like symptoms in a healthy person, and can cure malaria. Based on this discovery, he developed a theory that ‘like cures like.’ In other words, substances which might cause symptoms in a healthy person are used to cure the same symptoms as experienced by a person who is ill. This concept became the basis of homeopathy.
Dr. Hahnemann went on to apply this concept to other natural substances and used techniques like serial dilutions and systematic mixing through vigorous shaking (succussion). The resulting homeopathic remedy contains a memory of the original natural substance, and the final product keeps the healing characteristics of the initial product, without side effects. This findings are controversial and now research in this area is looking for explanations in nanotechnology and quantum physics in order to understand this amazing concept developed 200 years ago.